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Outreach has lots of meanings.  For us, it is grounded in the idea that healthy communities (and healthy people for that matter) are outward-looking, not inward-looking.  When we look beyond ourselves, we strengthen our core values of Respect, Relationship, and Responsibility.  Outreach could mean invitation.  It could mean service.  It could mean conversation.  It could mean connection.  Every time we share ourselves in faith, we are Out-Reaching!  

Wine & Spirit

Tuesdays from 7-9pm at Common Grounds Coffee

This is an informal theological discussion group that Rev. Tamara hosts every Tuesday at Common Grounds coffeehouse on 32nd and Lowell.   This weekly event is grounded in the idea that everyone has something to say about God - whether positive or negative, whether they identify as an atheist or agnostic or doubter or believer, everyone can "talk theology."  Rev. Tamara buys a bottle of wine and puts up her "The Pastor is IN" sign and waits for company.   

Sometimes people come because they have a theological curiosity or quandary.  Sometimes people come because they are walking by.  Sometimes people come because someone invited them.  Sometimes people come because they are on a blind date at Common Grounds and the conversation is waning.  The point is: this is truly an open discussion with no agenda other than creating space for people to engage theological conversations outside of church.  

Fairs and Festivals

BerkChurch hosts lots of fairs and festivals in order to serve the community and provide opportunities for Reaching Out.  

Some of the Festivals we have hosted in the past:

     Harvest Festival - typically in the fall, includes pumpkin carving, live music, and a chili cook-off.  

    May Faire - typically done in May.  We partner with Rebecca Beshore and serve Medieval fare, invite neighborhood kids to come and perform Shakespeare, and make crafts.  

     Epiphany Fest - typically done in January.  We partner with Rebecca Beshore and serve a multi-course dinner while we celebrate the middle of winter, the turning of the seasons, and the arrival of the Three Kings to the baby Jesus!  Live music is part of the program with recorders, singing "wenches," and good conversation.

    Maundy Thursday Paschal Meal and Garden Meditation - not a fair / festival but quite a meal and quite a sacred time to travel with the Christ into the dark days of the tomb.  

A Church in Service

BerkChurch is an extremely generous group of people!  Part of how we follow the Christ is through our giving and serving - not just to the church but to the wider community.    We offer monthly opportunities to practice giving with a grateful heart.  Check out our Weekly Announcements to find out how we are serving this month!  

Some examples of serving through providing items are:

* Packs of Hope  (April) 

* Back to School Backpacks for Denver kids  (August)

* Thanksgiving Baskets  (November)

* Hats & Mittens  (December) 

* Newborns in Need Shower (December) 

* Socks and Underwear for area Nursing Homes (January) 

* BerkChurch Events: meals, worship supplies, community needs, concerts, fairs
Some examples of serving through providing presence:

* Meals at Ronald McDonald House  (July)

* Sorting and Pricing at the Treasure Trunk 

* Park Clean-up Days

* NW Denver Crop Walk (October) 

Some examples of serving through providing funds:

* We tithe to BerkChurch because we are MIGHTY!  

* UCC - Our Church's Wider Mission: $4100 in 2012

* One Great Hour of Sharing

* Neighbors in Need Fund

* Strengthen the Church, UCC fund

* Willow Green, Local Affordable Housing

* NW Denver Crop Walk

* Sponsoring the Cotton Patch Gospel, Phil Kaufman



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