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5 Surpise Sunday! September 29

Park Clean Up & Picnic!


On the 5th Sunday of the month, we do something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT for church just to remind us that being a person of faith takes us out of comfort zones and into the world.  ​



This month's 5 Surprise is a Park Clean Up and Picnic.  Come to BerkChurch for an abbreviated worship service followed by a caravan over to Rocky Mountain Lake Park where we will head out with trash bags and grabbers to pick up trash and prepare the park for winter.  Afterwards, the kids can play on the playground and we will share a picnic lunch.  Check the sign-up page to let us know what you are bringing to the picnic.  The more the merrier - and this is a great Sunday to bring a friend.  After all, a faith that works is a FAITH that WORKS!  Let's work together to share our values, love on God's creation, and enjoy a perfect fall day at the park!  


Sign Up for the Potluck HERE:  



3701 W. 50th Ave.

Denver, CO 80221

(northwest corner of 50th & Meade)


Sunday Worship Service

9:00 a.m.



T: 303-433-5881

Office Hours

By Appointment


© 2018 by Berkeley Community Church, UCC. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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